Monday, January 14, 2008

Production Log (Everything)

Entry 1
This part of the documentary is in the beginning and isn’t an interview. What I want to do is create a scene that will give the audience and idea of what our “serious” documentary (just about dress code at Punahou) will be about. In the middle of that though, we get interrupted with an incident (with dress code) and we decide to change our documentary topic to find out more on what is going on. To give the audience some info on what our serious documentary will be about, I will have a student that takes dress code very seriously tell the camera that in our documentary, we will find everyone’s opinion about the dress code at Punahou. But he/she gets interrupted because he/she sees a girl out of dress code walking by. Then the person talking to the camera will chase the person who is out of dress code to catch her and report her. But she disappears behind some bushes. The camera will catch all of it. This is what will lead us into changing the topic of our documentary to investigate what is actually happening with some students and dress code and how she could just disappear behind the bushes.

Entry 2
To make the scene even better, I will need to inform the audience after the scene that we will be trying to investigate this weird incident and change our documentary focus to finding out more of what is going on. This will help the audience understand what is going on through the rest of the documentary. Someone that I could use for the dress code breaker could be Dana Peros or one of the other wrestling girls. They will probably be up to doing this. For the other person, I could use someone like Tom Fee or David Polansky because they are always up for something like this. They can be very serious when it comes to things like this. Also, if one person is not available at the time of filming, I might be able to find the other person.

Entry 3
I think that what I have now so far is pretty good. It should fit in perfectly with the rest of the film. Actually, the rest of the documentary is based on this. So, what I need to do is to make sure everyone else that is filming knows exactly what happens in my scene. When I am filming, I might have a hard time following the chase with the camera do it comes out the way I want it. It might come out a little shaky and unorganized. But that is good because that incident is supposed to be unexpected and spontaneous. It will hopefully make it more real.

Entry 4 and 5
I will have the person talking to the camera to sit on the bench closest to the side walk between Pauahi and Bingham facing makai. The sidewalk will be on his left (my right). That way, the girl out of dress code will just walk up that sidewalk and I can turn to the right 90° and the chase is right there. The bushes that the girl will disappear behind is the by the tree right next to Bingham. The camera will be on the makai side and she will disappear (duck down behind the bush) on the mauka side. That footage of the chase will probably be investigated to find how she disappeared behind the bush. That is how it connects visually with the rest of the film.
So, I already filmed it now and it turned out just the way I wanted it. There might not be the best acting but the chase turned out how I wanted it. The only thing that I didn’t expect was that I wanted to start off with a tripod but doing the chase scene, I wanted it to be not that smooth (as if it were on a tripod). So what I did was when the chase started to happen, I picked up the tripod and taped it like that. This made it harder to film but that’s what made it seem more spontaneous. This footage should fit in perfectly with the rest of the documentary.